Video Library

Please take some time to listen and learn from scholars around issues of democracy, developmental science, and justice. Videos include talks from the Educating for Democracy conference and skill building around transactive discussions. 

Using Developmental Science to Guide Conversations Around Race and Justice.

"I Just Don't Want to Say the Wrong Thing" Facilitating Difficult Conversations Around Race and Justice with K-12 Students.

How Do You Teach Empathy to Students?

How Do You Handle Difficult Topics in Places of Political Hostility Without Being Accused of Indoctrination?

How Do We Present Multiple Perspectives of Contentious Issues without Suggesting things like Racism or Sexism are Justified?

Can You Discuss Our Current State of Democracy and What it Means for Our Students and Our Future?

Too Often This Work is Done By Teachers of Color in Diverse Classrooms.

What is the Role of White Teachers in Predominately White Classrooms and How Can They Do This Work Without Spotlighting Students of Color?

What Are the Major Points of History That All Students Should Know to Understand Race in Present Day America?

What Do You Think the Future of K-12 Classrooms Look Like Given the State of Democracy and What Can Teachers Do to Support Students in Becoming Justice-Oriented Citizens?

How Can One Explain the Value of this Work and That Students Are Ready for These Types of Conversations?

How Can Educators Emphasize Stories of Resistance, Agency, and Joy When Teaching Difficult Histories?

What Are the Best Practices Using Primary Sources in This Work?

How Do We Support Communicative Discourse Rather Than Debate?

What Happens If there Are Racial Epithets in Primary Sources? Should Teachers Leave Them In or Take Them Out?

Final Thoughts

Full Keynote Dialogue

What is Social Cognitive Domain Theory (SCDT) and Why Does It Matter?

What Are Transactive Discussions?

How Does Students' Reasoning About Issues of Justice Change Over Time?

What is Moral Reasoning and What is it Not?

Examples and Non-Examples of Transactive Discussions.