Teaching Central America

Mission of Organization

“The goal is to encourage and support teaching about Central America in K-12 schools so that students can learn about this region, which has many ties to the United States through foreign policy, immigration, commerce, and culture.”

Curriculum Description

Teaching Central America is a part of Teaching for Change. It offers free downloadable lessons, bios, and poetry and prose from Central American writers, whose literature was used to shine a light on key issues in Central America. These issues include the need for land reform, recognition of indigenous and women’s rights, exploitative labor practices, environmental destruction, political repression and violence, and U.S. intervention. Each lesson outlines objectives, necessary materials, time allocation and procedure, with specific goals and corresponding activities.

Curriculum Materials Reviewed
  • Introduction to Central America
  • Personal Creed
Source of Funding

Teaching for Change

Learning Resources
  • Readings
  • Teaching Reflections
  • Teaching Activities
  • Discussion and Debrief Questions
  • Writing Prompts
  • Links to Data and Outside Resources
Target Population/Grade Levels
Cost Per Classroom
Domain Presence
Critical Consciousness

Presence Evaluation: Full Presence

Evaluation Notes: This curriculum looks at the history of colonialism and other systems of power that contribute to social inequalities; however, there is little focus on personal action. There is focus on the need to recognize systems of inequality and commitment to take action against it.

Social Action

Presence Evaluation: Minimal Presence

Evaluation Notes: The curriculum provides few opportunities to take action on issues that affect the community.

Reciprocal Community Relationship

Presence Evaluation: Not Present 

Evaluation Notes: This curriculum doesn’t focus on different levels of schools. 

Systems Wide Approach

Presence Evaluation: Some Presence 

Evaluation Notes: The lessons reviewed focus more on the historical injustices that occurred in Central American rather than a focus on systems wide approaches to change. 

Explicit Teaching of Social Justice Principles

Presence Evaluation: Some Presence

Evaluation Notes: The curriculum includes explicit teaching of social justice principles.


Presence Evaluation: Some Presence

Evaluation Notes: There is a some degree of self-reflection in the lessons reviewed. One example is featured within the Personal Creed lesson where students write about their own beliefs and connections to their community.

Evidence Based

Presence Evaluation: Not Present

Evaluation Notes: To date, there has been no empirical study of this curriculum to evaluate its effectiveness.

Inclusion and Equity

Presence Evaluation: Full Presence

Evaluation Notes: This curriculum focuses on inclusion and equity within the Central American context. 

High Expectations

Presence Evaluation: N/A

Evaluation Notes: We are unable to evaluate this domain since it is best measured through observation.

Social Identities

Presence Evaluation: Full Presence

Evaluation Notes: The curriculum focuses on the ways social identities within the Latin American context have been marginalized.